Facebook Wants to Protect Public Figures… Except for Republicans

Public figures will now get better protection from Facebook on all its platforms.

In an update to its bullying and harassment policies, the Tech giant – Recently rebranded as META – announced the removal of content that targets public figures.

This includes politicians, celebrities, and those “who have become famous involuntarily.” 

Are the dems just working with META to blame the Republicans for all their schemes?

Is this another one of Facebook’s schemes to censor our conservative voice?

Facebook’s Head of Global Security Antigone Davis, mentioned that this movement is part of an effort to “reduce attacks” against women, people of color, and the LGBTQ community.

Looks like they’re covering their intentions from the start…

Davis said, “Public figures… whether they’re politicians, journalists, celebrities or creators… use Facebook and Instagram to engage directly with their followers. So we’re always trying to strike the right balance between protecting them from abuse… and allowing open dialogue about them on our apps. “

Then he added, “Our bullying and harassment policy differentiates between public figures and private individuals. [These] enable freedom of expression and legitimate public discourse.” 

Facebook will remove any content that is considered a coordinated effort of mass harassment that targets any individual and puts them at heightened risk of online harm. This includes victims of violent tragedies or government dissidents.

But the real question is: Will the Big Tech company be fair in who they protect?

Remember, Facebook and Twitter banned President Trump from their platforms to stop the truth from coming out. Even to this day, our real President isn’t allowed to voice his opinion.

Facebook’s VP of Global Affairs Nick Clegg wrote an article a few months ago. He said, “Given the gravity of the circumstances that led to Mr. Trump’s suspension… We believe his actions constituted a severe violation of our rules which merit the highest penalty available under the new enforcement protocols. We are suspending his accounts for two years.”

Then he added, “At the end of this period, we will look to experts to assess whether the risk to public safety has receded. We will evaluate external factors… including instances of violence, restrictions on peaceful assembly, and other markers of civil unrest. If we determine that there is still a serious risk to public safety… we will extend the restriction for a set period of time and continue to re-evaluate until that risk has receded.”

Facebook wants to stop its users from harassing public figures, but they are doing exactly that by harassing President Trump now.

Let’s expect that Facebook won’t be fair to us.

Of course, this twisted Big Tech company has been censoring our Republican opinion. They say they will protect public figures unless the person being bullied is a conservative.

In other words, they’ll censor anyone talking about Biden… or any other liberal politicians and celebrities. 

The only way for our patriots to trust Facebook at this point is for them to give back President Trump’s freedom of speech.

Facebook only knows hypocrisy, they dish out punishments to whomever they see fit, but protect the people in power… just like Biden and every dem leader who can’t walk the talk.

This is the time for our patriots to keep their guard up with Facebook. This Big Tech company can never be trusted.

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2 Thoughts to “Facebook Wants to Protect Public Figures… Except for Republicans”

  1. Aniruddha Ideaki

    In France it is even worse! Too few of us resist. The priest, the doctors will have to release to the state what is confidential and what has been confessé ! No secrets anymore. That is a new law they want to get through parliament, and it may pass. Personally I don’t give a dam! everyone who wants to know knows all about me. My psychiatrists know all about me, etc. No crimes! (for the moment at least 😉 Just kidding, yet …

    Only my name is confidential. But this is not my real name 😉

  2. mike

    who cares about face book dont use it simple

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